
Our Acupuncturist, Brodie Mitchell, is a Dr of Chinese Medicine and a mother to three beautiful boys. She loves working with women from regulating the menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy and post birth care. As a mother and a woman who had fertility difficulties, she can relate to women and really understand what we go through as women and mothers. As a natural medicine practitioner, she believes prevention is the best medicine, and so also treats adolescent girls going through puberty to support the changes and regulate their cycle during this time.

She is also passionate about supporting women throughout pregnancy and post birth care.  Growing a baby inside of you and birthing is the most magical, rewarding, and empowering experience, but a massive change to the body both physically and mentally.  It is important to support and prepare the body during pregnancy for birth and also recovery. 

Your initial acupuncture session will include a full case history, diagnosis, treatment, and treatment plan. Your treatment is then tailored to you and could include;

Acupuncture - the insertion of very fine needles into specific points along the body’s meridian system which creates balance and harmony.

Moxibustion - a herb that may be used to aid healing by warming an area.

Cupping - another technique that could be used when there is stagnation or obstructed blood flow, the suction of the cups increases blood flow and releases tension.

Gua Sha - a tool used to break up stagnation and great for muscular tension.

Massage - specifically Tui Na which is Chinese massage that treats the body through massage techniques.

Herbs - Chinese herbal formulas may also be prescribed depending on your presentation.

None of the above mentioned techniques are painful - we use a very gentle style of treatment. Acupuncture works on the nervous system and is extremely relaxing.