What Is Kinesiology?

Our local kinesiologist, Sharni Goldstone, loves nothing more than supporting others on their journey to living their life to their highest potential - to finding their full bloom. 

So, what is kinesiology, you ask? Great question!
Kinesiology is a natural, holistic therapy that uses muscle monitoring (or muscle testing) as a biofeedback mechanism to detect and resolve stress in the body. By applying a small amount of pressure to certain muscles (usually the forearm), and then monitoring the response of the muscle, we can detect where stress is being held in the body. Using the same feedback mechanism, we can then monitor what the body needs in order to resolve the stress.

This technique can be applied to a variety of issues, such as:

    • Physical disease (chronic & acute)

    • Emotional regulation - survival states and emotional imbalances (anger, rage, resentment, etc)

    • Mental imbalances (anxiety, depression)

    • Pregnancy concerns (trouble conceiving, pregnancy loss, etc)

    • Cyclic patterns and limiting beliefs

    • Addictions, past traumas

    • Motivation (lack of)

    • Structural imbalances and misalignments

    • Nutritional stressors and intolerances

    • And much more! 

By using the muscle monitoring to detect and clear stress in the body, this then allows the body to find balance and ultimately heal itself naturally.

The beauty of engaging kinesiology to support you on your journey is that, in the same way that everyone's goals and journey is unique, so is kinesiology. This modality is specific to the individual, specific to you, and so the pathway to your goals will be tailored just for you.

Your goal might be for your body to move easily and freely without pain so you can climb mountains, swim in rivers, and play games with your kids.
Or perhaps you want to start your own business but a fear of failure has you stuck in freeze mode.
Or maybe life is great and there is nothing necessarily "wrong" that you feel you need to work on, but you know that you are meant for, and capable of, MORE, and you feel ready to create the next big thing in your life.
Sharni has had all of these goals (among others & minus the kids) throughout her life, and kinesiology has helped her move through it all. From clearing survival states to living more aligned with her authentic nature, to creating and expanding her life in ways she never imagined.
From experiencing the magic of kinesiology personally, it has become Sharni’s deepest passion to support others in achieving the life that they truly desire. A life that they are in love with, made completely by their design.
Kinesiology has undoubtedly transformed Sharni’s life in ways she never thought possible, and it would be her absolute honour to journey with you on your quest to achieving your goals and creating the life of your dreams.

For more information, or to get in touch with Sharni, click the “Contact” button below.

Please note Sharni works from a separate location in Banora Point, so don’t hesitate to contact her directly with any queries or to book a session.

0491721645 | hello@aurumbloom.com.au

Kinesiologist offering kinesiology services in South Tweed Heads for kids and adults