What is Holistic Clinical Nutrition with Kate Gray?

Nutrition is crucial to life and health. What we eat and how we enjoy our food plays a huge role in our everyday lives. When we eat something our body can’t tolerate, we will get sick.

We are all different!

Different times of life require different nutrition. After anti-biotics, we may be more sensitive and need to avoid certain food for a while as we rebuild our gut microbiome. If we are chronically stressed, our bodies will have trouble digesting our food, unless we take time to rest and eat what we love. And kids are exposed to so many chemicals in their everyday lives, which makes many of them sensitive to common foods. Finding out what works and what doesn’t for our own unique bodies is the key to health and wellness.

Emotions count. A lot.

A holistic approach to clinical nutrition means that I encompass your body, mind and soul. We are all emotional beings. How we eat, how we are feeling and what lifestyle choices we make, are all intrinsically linked to our health. Without a whole body approach to food and nutrition, we are missing crucial pieces of the puzzle.

Food is part of life. Why not eat what we love? Then our lives are filled with love and joy.

Long-term solutions to treat the cause.

This is how we achieve health and wellbeing. By listening to our bodies, creating healthy habits and long-term solutions. I support you in this, allowing you to continue on your wellness journey without me, armed with education, understanding and tools.

I don’t just treat symptoms, I help you find the underlying cause of dis-ease in your body and realign it through changes to diet, supplements, lifestyle and emotions.

Science and evidence based too.

I have a degree in Nutritional Medicine, meaning I studied the biochemistry of nutrients, and understand what your body needs to heal for various states of dis-ease and during different stages of life.

I love to help people who are feeling sick, stress and overwhelmed, get the relief, support and solutions they need. My passion is women’s and children’s health, but I love to treat men too. If you feel like you need a change, why not give Holistic Clinical Nutrition a go?

Want to read more or chat to me?

Check out my blog on Why Should I See A Nutritionist? Contact me at kate@ktsnutrition.com for a free chat to help you understand how I can help you.

See me in clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday 9am-2.30pm or via Zoom.

Look forward to hearing from you soon! Health & Happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, most Private Health Insurers cover Nutrition consults, with the exception of Bupa.

    Check your cover to see if Nutrition is included on your particular plan.

  • Bring any relevant medical tests, medication list or supplements that you are currently taking. Otherwise, you just need yourself for the appointment.